Browse the news stories below to stay up-to-date on our progress and announcements.
Pandemic Virus Protection Systems Project Review Web Conference
The Open PVPS project ( will hold a 1.5 hour open web conference on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 starting at 10am EDT. If you would like to attend please send a message to [email protected]. A recording of the web
conference will be made available after the event. We plan to cover the following areas with a good amount of time for Q&A:
* Introduction
* Face Shield, Visor, and Drape
* Blower and Filter
* Filter Housing CAD
* Electronics and Power
* Medical Feedback
* Lessons Learned
* Protection Performance & Costs
* Areas For Improvement & Next Steps
* Introduction
* Face Shield, Visor, and Drape
* Blower and Filter
* Filter Housing CAD
* Electronics and Power
* Medical Feedback
* Lessons Learned
* Protection Performance & Costs
* Areas For Improvement & Next Steps